CBS Sports is the official sports app from CBS. With this app, you can quickly access information related to tons of different sports like tennis, basketball, football, baseball, etc.
The app's interface is both elegant and practical at the same time. It gives you quick access any sports-related content in a matter of seconds. With just a couple taps, you can find results, news, or upcoming events for most of your favorite sports.
In addition to all the sports-related news and information, you can also find tons of videos. You can even listen to a radio of live sporting events. However, incomprehensibly, the app doesn't have any information about soccer (neither men's nor women's).
Even though CBS Sports is a good sports app with lots of information about many sports, it lacks content about many others.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Is CBS Sports a free app?
Yes, CBS Sports is completely free. You don't have to pay to install it or to use its features, although it does contain ads and a subscription service which removes them.
Can you watch live games on CBS Sports?
Yes, you can watch live games on CBS Sports. The app has a section where you can access diverse audiovisual content, including live games.
Is my data safe on CBS Sports?
Yes, your data is safe on CBS Sports, and you can modify its use at any time from the Settings tab.
Can I make bets on CBS Sports?
No, you cannot make bets on CBS Sports. The app has a section where it indicates, based on its own calculations, the odds of each team winning or losing, but you cannot bet directly from the app.
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